Blinkweb Opinions

Here's a post size comment from a Brad Callen and Blinkweb supporter... it is anonymous and as it reads like a plug, one can't help feeling it comes from the designers... of course they have an opinion too but take it with a grain of salt.

"I am a web master and own several offline and online businesses..of course I build and host my own domain accounts...however, this post is not about me...even though I would like to slip in a few backlinks to some of my websites here but I'm making this post for other readers or people who happen to join or want to make comments on blinkweb, et al.

Brad and Matt Callen are well respected Internet Marketing professionals, I've not only been spying on them for some time on several of their products and launches but also am a subscriber on multiple accounts from each and both of them.. another way I study their tactics and methodologies.

I am a registered Blinkweb member, just recently joined and have been through their basic 5 day training, surfed the Blinkweb tools and seen their new recently posted offer to gaining a better understanding and more intense insider secrets to developing your own Blinkweb site and how to make it into a converting cash machine.

So far as I can see the Blinkweb concept is the only system online with not only a user stupid friendly concept, but it's moved the free line bar above any IM Marketing GURU on the web. Who in their right mind can complain about that?....This system really can take a newbie into a fast paced learning curve on what a career in the online world begins and what it really takes to get on with it,

As I am a webmaster and all that..I signed up to Blinkweb at no charge...I've decided to ditch my own web building tricks, methods, source coding and all my extras for this project to build my own Blinkweb following their step by step's FREE people...!! Sign up, Take the training, just experiment, at least go through your blinkweb learning curve, Test, Test, Test and put together a business plan following their instructions..

A lot of people think you push buttons and click a few times with your mouse and magically money starts cranking into your Paypal account...if you're thought process has been programmed in that need to be de-programmed and go back to kindergarten using all the knowledge you've gained and this time take a serious look at all the elements and changes going on the web...get yourself up to date

My suggestion goes deeper than that, I've been a company president and CEO for 26 brick and mortar type business..I built my first website to reduce my printing costs of brochures, junk type direct mail and drop out of the high cash outlay I was paying monthly for my yellow pages, add some credibility to my different brick and mortar companies...and finally to pave the way for hundreds of fellow business owners to see the future for these issues ..that was my first adjustment to integrate with the web other than setting up an email..that was back in the 90's..I just tweaked my budget, replaced some operating concepts and started my learning curve..

Believe me...if you are the type of personality that does not have the self motivation, some kind of ability with patience to learn and plot out a dot to dot step by step time management business may not be smarter than a 5th grader..and you should just keep doing whatever you do now....

I have a company policy of never bashing competition or others's more important to me to translate to my prospects the positives of why they should listen, trust and do business with me..

Competitively in my industries you pay more to get me as your company of choice,but that's the way I branded myself and the reputation that follows me that took time to build..I stand behind everything I do, my employees do or commitments we make and we do it in writing.

Blinkweb is a new launch, it's still evolving and growing...give the system a serious try.make your best efforts, find your deficiencies..grow personally and get business smart...Internet Marketing is a lifestyle, you're a business owner...grow up...think and act like it."

What do you think... Blinkweb? Good, Bad or indifferent. Has anybody had success with this product yet?

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